Contemporary/ Lyrical uses natural movement and adapts to the individual physique.  Most movement comes from the trunk of the body, so there is more work on the midsection and the back.  One of the most obvious ways in which this type of dance is natural, is in the use of a dancer's bare feet.  The contact of bare feet to the floor opens the dancer to new sensations and freedom. Contemporary/Lyrical allows a dancer to express their own creativity.

** Students must be enrolled in Ballet in order to take Contemporary classes.


Preliminary instruction touches on musical appreciation with movement designed to benefit every child's coordination.  Class activities include counting, right and left, colors, vocabulary, music, social graces, and physical skill.


Dance education continues in pre-ballet / jazz / tap.  These classes focus on rhythm, coordination, and grace.  Class activities include characterization, musical interpretation, and technique.  These classes are an important preparation for other types of dance.


Ballet teaches students body control, discipline, grace, and manners.  Each class begins with a series of classical exercises at the barre followed by center floor work.  Students will learn body placement and alignment.  Learning ballet is a wonderful experience for children, even for those never intending to be professional dancers.  Ballet is the base for all other types of dance.


Upbeat popular music and movement are used during class.  Learning jazz steps, funky hip-hop, and "new" moves are the focus.  Class includes center floor warm up, across the floor movements, and choreography.  Class is fun and invigorating for both beginning and advanced dancers.


This class offers strength, flexibility, and gymnastics skills that will enhance a dancer's ability to add acrobatic type moves and tricks to choreography. 


Tap dancing is rhythm.  It has been recognized most frequently in musical theater productions as a happy, carefree method of expression.  Tap steps combined with upbeat jazz moves make this quick-paced class fun.


(Availabity may vary from year to year)

This Spanish gypsy style of dance is best known for its fast and precise footwork and clapping.  Flamenco is also a rhythm dance.  Often castanets are used to create such rhythms.  Dancers wear long flowing skirts and shawls which are also incorporated into the movements of the dance.


(Availability may vary from year to year)

This Middle Eastern dance form has been done for thousands of years as part of cultural tradition, fun and exercise. In keeping with tradition, dance moves and music are based in middle Eastern origin such as Morocco, Lebanon, and Turkey, yet have an American feeling. Students are also taught to dance with veils, zills, and canes.